Thursday, 27 August 2015

Machine Input-output

Machine Input-output or simply input-output reasoning questions are one of the most famous variety and most frequently asked question in the competitive exam and specifically in banking exams.
Myth: Input-output reasoning questions are very difficult and time consuming.
Reality: These questions may appear complex but actually they are easy to solve. If you are able to crack the logical step for output quickly and you are only solving selective question (without wasting much time on difficult and time consuming) there is high chance that you can score at least 80% in input-output reasoning questions.
Tips: In order to solve these questions, please use the following golden rules:
1. Look at the last step (Output) without bothering about intermediate step.
2. See the input
3. Now, Identify the logic behind the rearrangement i.e. try to find in which pattern the elements of Input is rearranged to get the given output.
Model Example:
Input:   gas, nice, 52, 38, all 17, fruit again, 65.
Step1:  65, gas, nice, 52, 38, 17, fruit again.
Step2: 65, again, gas, nice, 52, 38, 17, fruit.
Step3: 65, again, 52, gas, nice, 38, 17, fruit.
Step4: 65, again, 52, fruit, gas, nice, 38, 17.
Step5: 65, again, 52, fruit, 38, gas, nice, 17.
Step6: 65, again, 52, fruit, 38, gas, 17, nice.
Step6 is the out-put for the given input.
By using the ‘golden rule’ discussed above, we can find that:
1. Output contains Numbers and words arranged in alternate order.
Numbers are arranged in decreasing order from left to right.
Words are arranged in ascending alphabetical order from left to right.
2. Output contains Numbers and words arranged in random order.
3. Only one element (either number or word) is moved in each step. The arrangement eventually leads to out as discussed in point1.
‘Frequently asked variety’ of question:
Variety 1: how many steps are required to complete the arrangement?
Using the above Model Example, find out how many steps are required to complete the arrangement for the following input.
Input:  hello, talk, 39,24,86,44, rice, oven.
     hello,  talk,    39,  24    ,86,      44,      rice,      oven.

      86   hello  44 oven   39  rice  24    talk

Explanation : here you can count that there are 6 movements ( as shown in different colour)   to get the desired output, we can say that total 6 steps are required.
Please note that, hello and talk are already arranged.
( If an element is already arranged, we simply move on next place without disturbing it.)

Variety 2:  What will be the definite input for the given step?
Step 3:  94 cat, 86, wild, sound, 52, 31, horse.
What will be the definite input for the given Step 3?
Solution: we cannot determine the definite previous step.
Step 3:  94 cat, 86, wild, sound, 52, 31, horse.
94 cat, 86,  wild,    sound,    52,     31,      horse.
94 cat, 86, wild, 86sound, 86 52, 86 31, 86horse. 86
Explanation: Here in step3, 86 has been brought from some other position [different possible position are shown as 86] , hence we are not sure from where 86 has been shifted to the current position as given in step 3. So, we cannot determine the definite previous step.
Remember: For any given step, definite previous step cannot be determined.

Variety3:   When some intermediary step are given:
Step2 : 76 apple, 12,32, ball, orange, joker, 42.
How many more steps are required to complete the arrangement as given in Model Example (refer first paragraph in this post)
Already arranged in step2 :  76, apple
76   apple,12, 32,  ball, orange,joker42.
76, apple,42,ball, 32 , joker, 12, over.
Here 4 movements (as shown in different colour) are required, hence 4 more steps are required to complete the rearrangement.
Please, note that  “12 , over “   are already  auto arranged  as per the requirement, hence they are not disturbed.
Variety 4: when we are required to find out what exactly a particular step will look like for a given input.  
Input: Boy, wine, tiger, 52,38, 43, doll, 12 .  What will be step4 for this input as given in Model Example (refer first paragraph in this post).
Boy, wine, tiger, 52, 3843doll, 12
 52 boy, 43doll,    38  ,
1      1a    2      3       4    
[here 1, 1a, 2, 3, 4 indicates the step. Also, 1a signifies that the element ( boy) isalready  arranged ].
 4 movement (as shown in different colour)   = 4 step
Hence output will look like:
Step 4: 52 boy, 43doll,    38  , wine , tiger 12
Please note that,” boy  wine , tiger 12” “    are already  auto arranged  as per the requirement, hence they are not disturbed.
Hope, this post is helpful for you all.
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