Tuesday 28 November 2017

Idioms related to FOOD (with meaning and sentence)

Idioms  related to FOOD 
IDIOMS Meaning Example Sentence
A lot on my plate  it is used when someone has many responsibilities or scheduled activities. I just have a lot on my plate right now while I'm finishing up my degree and doing this huge project forwork.
Bad apple A troublemaker It's an opportunity for them to make clear that they are not going to tolerate a bad apple in the United States Senate.
Big cheese An influential person Ever since his promotion, he has started to feel that he is the big cheese in the company.
Bring home the bacon  means to earn a living for the family His wife chooses not to work, so Robert has to bring home the bacon
Cool as a cucumber  Calm and composed, especially in times of stress Practicing meditation has helped me to be as cool as a cucumber in times of trouble.
Couch potato A lazy person who watches too much TV My younger sister is a great couch potato; she can watch TV 24 hours a day.
Cry over spilled milk To be unhappy because of a past event that cannot be changed  know you don't like your newhaircut, but you can't change it now. It's no use crying over spilled milk. 
Egg head A very studious and academic person The Government was dominated by self-important eggheads.
Food for thought Something that makes you think carefully  The lectures were very interesting and gave much food for thought.
Hard nut to crack A difficult problem or a difficult person  The spy we captured is a hard nut; he hasn't saida thing since we began the    interrogation.
Have bigger fish to fry Have more important things to do  I won't waste time on your question. I have bigger fish to fry.
Have egg on your face To suffer embarrassment as a result of some public failure   The CEO really had egg on his face after he wenton stage to demonstrate the new product and couldn't get it to work right.
Like two peas in a pod Nearly identical, very similar Those kids have the same wacky sense of humor—they're truly like two peas in a pod
Nutty as a fruitcake This is used from harmless silliness to someone who needs professional help  Don't pay any attention to John; he's nutty as a fruitcake.
Pie in the sky Something that is unrealistic or that cannot be achieved If you'd spend more time workingand less time coming up with these pie-in-the-sky fantasies, you might actually get somewhere in life!
Piece of cake Something easy "I never said that training him would be a piece of cake"
Red as a cherry Very red When her bosspraised her in front of the whole office, Emily turned red as      cherry.
Slower than molasses Exceptionally slow or sluggish; This old laptop my dad gave me is a piece of junk. It's slower thanmolasses! 
Sour grapes Pretending to dislike something you cannot have When she failed the entrance exam, she started saying that she never     wanted to go to college anyway, but I think that’s just sour grapes
Take something with a pinch (grain) of salt  you mean that they should notbelieve it completely because it may not all be accurate or true. Reports from the authorities that the situation is calmshould perhaps be   taken with a pinch of salt. 
To go bananas/ To be bananas To become crazy The children went bananas when they saw all the icecream.
Top banana the number one person in a group If you are promoted to top banana at work, it means you are the boss.
Tough cookie A very determined person Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.
Walk on Eggshells To be very careful about how you behave with someone because they are easily upset or made angry, or a situation where you have to be extremely cautious.  The littlest thing tends to anger my mother, so Ifeel like I have to walk on       eggshells whenever I'm at her house.

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